Meet the Tutors

Hello Friends! 
     We miss you so much!  We thought it might be fun to share a little about ourselves, and what we are doing these days. So, each day Mrs. Lee will add a message from one of us.  Keep reading and stay tuned! 💖😁

Here's our first tutor, Mrs. Magro!

Hi Fox Hill Friends!
I miss all the students and teachers very much! I am keeping busy with my two children, Viola who is 8, and Luca who is 5. We are making lots of art, baking, cooking, reading (lots of reading!) and riding our bikes outside. We've also been playing Candy Land and doing Tangram puzzles. I hope everyone is healthy and keeping busy. :) I hope we can see each other soon!

...and here's Ms. Shields!
Hi Everyone! 
I am Ms.Shields, a math and reading tutor at Fox Hill School.  Over the past few weeks, I have been spending a lot of time with my family! My dog loves having us home. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I miss you all! 

Love, Ms.Shields

Here's message from Mrs. Doble:

Hi Fox Hill Friends,
 Today the tutors all talked on Google Hangout. All agreed that we miss you kids very much and can't wait to get back to school. So I decided to send you a message about what I have been doing.

 During this unexpected time off , I've been trying to fill my days with different  chores around the house: cleaning, organizing, paying bills, cleaning files, etc. ---all boring things. Each day I try to take a walk and cook something different for dinner. Thank goodness for Face Time because that's my only contact with my children and grandchildren. Conference calls with F.H. teacher friends has also added something fun to do. Each day I read books and magazines. At times I sit on my front stairs and chatter with people who are walking  in the neighborhood (of course, always observing the rules to avoid the virus). 

So what have you been doing to keep busy? All the tutors wonder how you are doing. How do you fill each day? Let us know.  One thing I would like to encourage you to do besides reading and math is to write each day. Just take a piece of paper, write your name, date it, and write about your day.  You can even add a picture. Explain what you did during the day and how you are feeling. Tell us how you are observing the rules and your thoughts about the rules. Save the papers. When school begins, bring the pages to the tutor room and we will help you bind the pages together to make a journal. Then you can put the journal in a special place in your house so that you can save it for when you get older. Your own family and children will enjoy hearing about this time in your youth.

The tutors and I would love to hear from you. Just email any one of us.   Stay safe and follow the rules.

Mrs. Doble

Here's Mrs. Carew' s message:

Hello Fox Hill Friends!
My thoughts wonder about you often and I'm really missing you. I'd love to know what you've been doing during this time. Have you been getting some fresh air outside, reading and playing games? One suggestion I have would be to keep a journal. If you don't have a notebook, just use any piece of paper. Write the date and keep it simple - write about anything that comes to mind. You could also include a picture with your writing too.

It's so strange not going to school everyday. I've been trying new recipes, going on long walks, cleaning out our shed, reading a lot and eating way too much ice-cream. I'm so grateful to have the ability to connect with my family and friends through technology. 
Take care and stay safe, friends. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Mrs. Carew

Say hi to Mrs. Parker:

Hi Fox Hill Friends,

I'm Mrs. Parker, a reading/math tutor as well as an after school teacher at Fox Hill.  Since being out of school I've been spending a lot of quality time with my husband, 3 children and my dog, Zoey.  I have spent a lot of time outside riding my bike, taking long walks and catching up on yard work.  When I'm inside I've been doing some baking, reading books, watching movies and playing board games with my kids.

I hope you and your families are all doing well & staying healthy.  I miss each & every one of you so much.  What are some things that you've been doing to keep busy??  I bet a lot of you have been enjoying the outdoors.   Am I right??  I think it would be fun for you to keep a simple journal of things you've been doing since I  last saw you.  I would love to read them when we get back to school.  If any of you would like to drop me an email I would love that.  My email address is:

Take care & stay healthy.


Mrs. Parker

Welcome Mrs. Minghella to our page:

Dear Fox Hill Friends,

I hope this quote tells you how I feel about not being with you all.
                            In French, you don’t say
                            “ I miss you.”  You say
                                  “Tu me manques”
                                     Which means,
                          “You are missing from me.”

I know not being at school feels strange for you. It feels the same way for me too - so I am doing my best to keep my days busy.  I am going for a lot of walks. It gets me outside and moving everyday. I think that is important for all of us. Every time I walk, I notice something different about the world around me. Spring is a time of rebirth and being outside lets us see the beauty of nature. I have also noticed on my walks messages children have written in chalk on their driveways.  What an incredible way to make people stop and think for a minute. The other day someone wrote, “Better days are ahead.” I loved that. For me it meant every passing day brings us closer to the day when life starts to return to normal. It also made me think about the warmer days of spring that are ahead of us. I am very grateful to whoever wrote that. It was an act of kindness that inspired me.  I hope that maybe it can inspire you too. There are so many healthcare workers and first responders who are taking care of the sick people. They are working hard every day making sure that people are getting the help that they need. I think it would be great for you to make a card or write a letter thanking them for the work they do. Your Mom or Dad could mail it to any hospital, police or fire station. 

I hope you are all finding new ways to learn outside of school.  I look forward to hearing all about them when we get back.

I would like to end with a favorite Dr. Seuss quote of mine.
      “Don’t give up! I believe in you all.  A person’s a person, no matter how small.”

Remember - better days are ahead,

Mrs. Minghella


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